Friday, November 21, 2008

Contrasts of India

Still in Mumbai, we were asked to play extras in a Bollywood movie. We said yes, of course! When do you have another chance to do something like this?! They brought us in the morning to a place, where they took care of our appearance - we needed to look like boolywood starts apparently.
They made me up, Filippo had to shave his beard. They putted us in semi elegant clothes, and ready we were: Mister and Misses Bollywood Extra:
They gave us to eat, to drink, and even 500 rupies each, for playing a quick part in a scene in a gallery. We were the European visitors of an exhibition. The movie is called Rafta and should come out in march here - we will go to see our part ;)

From Mumbai we moved over to Pune (Poona), which appeared to be not the best decision. In Poona is situated the Osho Ashram, in which we were interested in the beginning, but then discovered it to be a money making machine and strange sect in one. The very luxorious huge Ashram has even Zennis (Zen Tennis)...this was to much for us. We profited from the beautiful park behind the Ashram, which we could do for free, luckily.

The place was really relaxing and all the surroundings beautiful. We also found ourselves for some time in a small village, very calm, happy and beautiful. There are no more photos from Poona, though. Cause what we have seen, heard and smelled after leaving the idyllic surroundings of Osho Ashram didn't inspire me to take any. It was loud, dirty and stinky. Many slums, even more homeless and dead bodies on the streets. Chaos. I knew places like this exist, i also saw photos of them or reportages, but live it was too much for my nervs. We decided to leave Poona as fast as possible and take a 13h trip to Panaji (Panjim), the capitol of Goa.
This city surprised us very positively. Quiet, clean, sunny and cheap - it was just what we needed. Panaji was until 40 years ago a Portugese city, and you and see it. Lovely little streets and buildings, stairs everywhere, european architecture mixed with indian influences...the best point of the travel, so far.
We walked for hours, in love with this quiet and friendly place.
Here some photos of it.

In Panjim all different the religions seem to exist in peace next to each other. You see crosses, Hindu temples, Arabic corners...
After a more then a week in India we also started to take first little risks with food. We asked ourselvs why we are actually not eating the fruits from the markets and tried immediatly the coconut juice, that they sell on every corner here... We had different opinions on it...

On the next day we took a motorbike and went to the seaside. Riding all the day and finally seeing the see was just amazing! On the beach you are of course not alone. There are people who want to sell you everything and nothing, there are dogs, of course, and also...cows! Another surprising thing was, that all the Indian people are completely dressed on the beach...and also in the sea.

Tomorrow we are moving to the goan seaside, let's see what waits us there...


Kasia M. said...


Kasia M. said...

hihi, o nie, od razu sie wyswietla moje imie ;)

No wiec po pierwsze pozdrawiam i zaluje ze nie udalo mi sie ciebie spotkac jeszcze przed twoim wyjazdem. No trudno, za kare musze (chce!) czytac teraz twojego bloga :]

Ze Goa ci sie podoba, to w sumie nic dziwnego. To chyba jeden z bogatszych regionow, wiec ma kase zeby zadbac o wyglad.......

Wlasnie sobie uswiadomilam ze pisze po polsku na twoim (waszym) anglojezycznym blogu... anyway... I can't imagine how it was in Pune, to see dead people on the street, I already had a creepy feeling when I read it.....

Creepy or not, I love to hear more news from your big adventure!

Anonymous said...

wow,mad! dead bodies! keep the stories and photos coming,wero loves the cow on the beach :)

Unknown said...

ale mnie zaskoczylas ta kartka kobitoooo! zazdroszcze Ci tych szalenstw. Ja od pol roku grzeje tylek za biurkiem w wydawnictwie i marze zeby gdzies wybic w swiat na troche, ale nawet nie ma kiedy. Na szczescie w grudniu obowiazkowy - przymusowy urlop, wiec gdzies na deske wyskocze uwolnic cyganskiego beboka z siebie. Pozdrawiam Cie goraco z zimnej Polszy. Zdrowia, smakolykow na swieta itd no i do siego cholera :)

dzieki za kartke :)


Unknown said...

really nice to read from you
cool pictures

my friends were in india last winter
and they wrote some kind of guide book, they also started in pune
(in german) check it out:


Unknown said...

Could you also change the language of the blog from polish to english, it was quite difficult for me to find out, why i could not write comments at the first time