Monday, December 8, 2008

Holy Hampi

Hampi, our first holy city and holy experience, no alcohol and no meat for 7 days.
Hampi is a heritage city, protected by the Unesco. The city is an incredible mix of street life, cow shit and beautiful, very very old monuments, most of them discovered under the ground 2 centuries ago.
We took off on bikes to discover all those temples and statues, and here some impressions:

this used to be the public bath...

Krishna Temple...

...and Queen's Bath.

In Hampi we were all the time surrounded by children..every child is attracted and fascinated by western (white) people. They asked us for every kind of things, like for a school pen, for buying their stickers of indian divinities or a book guide of the city, or simply they wanted to appear in one of our photos-shake our hand...

school pen action...

posing for photo action...

being friends. (He' s not a child:)

Our guesthouse was really nice, besides one fact. A cute and charming little girl used to wake us up every morning at 7, crying, screaming, laughing, screaming... Never seen such a spoiled and such a sweet child. what a combination...?!

One of the most beautiful, freaky and "i don' t want to go away from this place" temple we saw is Hanuman Temple, dedicated -of course- to Hanuman, the monkey god.
To reach this place we had to take one of this strange boats..


During the route we saw a lot of hidden temples and statues, that fascinated us...

(Where do all this stones come from?)

Shiva's symbol.

Then we had to follow a woman, who was going to work - she led us through plantations and fields. Just beautiful!


So we reached Hanuman Temple, after a long long stair way.
Of course this holy place is full of monkeys, that are very used to people...

Tanja has been attacked, and Filippo didn't want to go away from there anymore...

What about food? Here a sample of breakfast and the way of eating it.

hot, spicy and full of oil... eaten only with the right hand (the left you use instead of toilet paper).
And for the end some other nice scenes of Hampi. Tomorrow we go to Cochin (and we will not arrive tomorrow, oh no...)


Carol said...

Fotos incriveis, ameiii, sera que voce vai entender??
Im from Brazil, bjao, q sonho viajar para um lugar tão lindo..

judyta i michal said...

przepięknie, a ci co polskiego nie znają, niech się męczą jak ja z angielskim

Unknown said...

once again, beautiful pictures!
i really appreciate that you take your time to send us this blog posts.

take care and have fun